Ibrahim Sowunmi
Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Implementing Stripe Payment Element and Express Checkout in Next.js 14 (App router)

This project focuses on developing a simple Next.js 14 (app router) application that facilitates one-time Stripe payments. We’ll use Stripe Payment Intents alongside the Payment Element and Express Checkout Element.
Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Redirect to Stripe Checkout in Next.js 14

How to redirect to checkout in Next.js 14 with Stripe API. This had me stuck for a few minutes and I intent to share all my hurdles online. Inspired by flaviocopes.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Stripe Connect Explained Simply

The Stripe documentation explains Stripe Connect far better than I ever could, but I have a mental model of Connect that I use to explain the concept in 5 minutes or less.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

How to Transcribe Your Own Audio for Free on macOS X Using WhisperAI (Whisper.cpp)

How to Transcibe audio for free on your local machine using whisper.cpp. Good for blog, interviews, etc.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

How to Embed a RSS Substack Feed into Your Hugo Static Site

A means of integrating an RSS feed into a Hugo static site using shortcodes, Markdown, and Hugo Pipes.
Reading Time: 5 Minutes

A Hacker's Guide to LLMs

A hackers guide to LLMs. Learning in public. With the assitance of Jeremy Howards course on fast AI. This is a summary of his 1.5hr lecture on getting LLMs up and running quickly with some of my thoughts and clarifications interspersed.
Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Moving to Substack

Posts on here are dated. Check the substack. Link inside.
Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Trends - You Will Be Broke - Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) & Youth

Thinking through some trends. I’ve been in a bit of a bad mood lately, too much news. I have to remind myself of the macro picture. These are my ramblings on some short, medium and long term trends. In this piece I talk about the economic consequences of the artifically low interest rates from the central banks, and why we’re seeing mass asset inflation as a result. Money isn’t free. Banks are now tightning their belts and we’re feeling the fallout.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Writing in the era of GPT

Articulation is a good skill. It lets you make the big things, small. It’s a critical pre-requisite to being highly expressive, and more importantly, easily understood. Often, I find myself struggling to convey my thoughts, which suggests that my ideas are not as organized as they feel on the tip of my tounge. How do you organise your thoughts? I think the answer lies in developing a more practiced and structured way of thinking.
Reading Time: 2 Minutes

How to create Disney Style 3D avatars for free (without midjourney)

Learn how to create a Disney-style 3D avatar for free using a combination of AI tools. This guide walks you through the process of generating and enhancing your avatar, utilizing Wondershare, Dall-E, Upscale AI, and Remove.bg. Ideal for adding flair to presentations or personal use, this method provides a budget-friendly alternative to paid tools like Lensa and Midjourney.
Reading Time: 7 Minutes

Ibs' Tips: Interview Framework

I recommend preparing yourself in three key area Pitch, Personal SWOT, and Transformation Stories.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Architects in the Salesforce ecosystem

An Architect. It’s an intimidating title. Salesforce architect just adds another level of abstraction. So let’s break it down and place some descriptions around what a Salesforce Architect actually looks like.
Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Introduction to Architects

In my hard headed (pick and go) continuation of my professional journey. I’ve recently decided, to become an architect. The move towards the role feels like a healthy escalation in technical scope. There will be more responsibility/agency and a somewhat welcomed transition to a more “stable” role. In this article, I’ll be discussing what an architect is. The functions of an architect and the division of that role in a more “traditional” ecosystem.
Reading Time: 7 Minutes

Salesforce Forecasting Explained

I wanted to take some time to go over standard Salesforce forecasting at a high level. This written especially for new Salesforce SEs so some information may be omitted, or may not make the most sense.
Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Simply Conceptualising CRM

My attempt at explaining salesforce as simply as possible.
Reading Time: 4 Minutes

How I Created This Site

I rebuilt my website. I wanted something that was easier to work with, faster, sleeker and more futureproof than my previous website. I’m not exactly sure what all of those would entail but I guess that’s the purpose of future proofing. I’ll be doing a series of posts about the obstacles I faced whilst building the website. Pointing to resources, that worked FOR ME, to get out of technical ruts. Of which there were many.
Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Getting Better At Writing

I want to get better at writing. Like any process, you want to get better at there are two golden rules (not weighted equally). Research, and then actually doing it. I guess I’m doing it.
Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Breakdown of Hedgefunds For Normies

A question with no obvious answer. The hedge fund industry is secretive and primers are made for people with a bit more industry expertise than the average SE/AE. Here’s a high-level breakdown. Hedge funds can sit into five buckets. They are as follows: Style Asset Class Market Exposure Level of Diversification & “Involvement” Management Structure Almost every hedge fund is a combination of the five. Style Systematic -> Hedge funds that hire quantitative analysts who then build algorithms.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Moving domain to Netlify from AWS Route 53

I had a website hosted on AWS. I built a <weird-domain-name>.netlify.app. I wanted to connect my stuff over. Reconfigure the DNS. It was quite simple but I’m assuming people are like me and look at blogs sometimes before docs.
Reading Time: 1 Minutes

A Hugo and TailwindCSS3 boilerplate

A hugo and TailwindCSS3 boilerplate for people that are stuck.
Reading Time: 2 Minutes

The Power of Twitter and why you should use it (I don't use it but still)

I don’t like social media. Never been a fan of it. Don’t think I ever will be. Even when I’m enjoying myself I hate how addictive and non-value additive it is. That statement is true in 9/10 cases but for a micropreneur1, it’s extremely useful. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’m in a transitory period of my life. I’m trying new stuff. Something I’ve noticed whilst looking around for the next big thing is network is important.
Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Thing I intend to accomplish - FY22

A list of things I will be focusing on in the upcoming year. I usually send these to myself 1 year ahead with the futureme email service. At the end of most years I receive an email from my past self holding my current self accountable. This is essentially that, but in public.
Reading Time: 8 Minutes

The CV guide I wish I had

Imagine this. You’re 18. You have no experience and what feels like no skills. You’re flung into an environment ­­where, unbeknownst to many people, you’re building the foundation for the rest of your life. Well what do you do? This dude says get some experience... That dude said build a CV... That other other dude said leverage your network? The f*** does that even mean? It is confusing. Fortunately, you’ve got a lot of time to think and a good head on your shoulders.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

What is a Solution Engineer?

Post describing what the Solution engineer job title means and what the job role entails.
Reading Time: 5 Minutes

You are what you consume

So curate your consumption, duh.
Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Hugo BaseURL with custom domain redirects

Hugo’s documentation is not entirely clear on the format of the baseURL value in config.toml when using github pages with a custom domain. When using a custom domain, you need to add the file static/CNAME whose contents are only the CNAME of your site (www.ibrahimsowunmi.com in the case of this site). However, the baseURL value does seem to require the protocol as well (I guess this is implied by URL in the name…), so in the case of this site https://www.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

My first foray into SEO

I have a problem. After building this website I wanted it to be googleable. I want someone to be able type my name and that very first link to be my personal site. As it currently stands, I don’t even come up in the first 10 links and my link actually comes up on the second bloody page! (95% of traffic is on the first page). Google has a very intelligent algorithm (googlebot) that trawls and indexes the whole of the light web (the part of the web accessible by google without authentication)!
Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Financial Illiteracy

Disclaimer: Genuinely wrapping your head around this stuff is a pretty high energy pursuit. I definitely havn’t done that. TL;DR: Read this There are three types of investing. Value/fundamental investing ( seeing where something is under or overvalued. Then we either short it (betting it will go down) or longing/call it (betting it will go up). Technical investing/forex etc (babypips.com is a good shout ) this is the fancy charts you think of when you think stocks.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes


I’ve decided to start blogging, kind of. I intially wrote this during my final year of university. As of today 2022-1-11, I’m rebuilding this site. It started out with the intention of being a blog/CV and now it’s a hobby project. Continue reading for a throwback to my original thought process. A year later and it already makes me cringe slightly despite there being little to no change in me. :/